Company Profile

The origin of the name of the society
Business name HL Corporation
Establishment May 2, 2013
Capital 92 million yen
President Sato Toshiki
Representative director Sato Toshiki
Employees 112 employees (as of May 2020, including cooperating employees)
Phone number 044-280-7361
Fax number 044-280-7362
Location Head office:
9-6kase Bld.101 4kai, Higashidacho, Kawasaki Shi Kawasaki Ku, Kanagawa Ken, 210-0005, Japan

Osaka office:
1-8-33nippousinoosakadai2 Bld.203, Nishimiyahara, Osaka Shi Yodogawa Ku, Osaka Fu, 532-0004, Japan
Transaction Bank Mizuho BankSuruga Bank Yokohama Shinkin Bank Kawasaki Shinkin Bank
Qualification Qualification worker dispatching business permit number: fact 14-302283 Obtained Privacy Mark certification:17003660(01) ISO/IEC 27001:2013 ISO 9001:2015